Atta ladoo loaded with nuts is super healthy. Perfect tasty and yummy bite for kids and Adults. This 10 minute wheat laddu laddu is a winner, if you are looking for super quick sweets.
In our home even small hhappy occasions we prepare sweet to celebrate, and Laddu plays a key role many times. Many parts of India prepare different kinds of laddus. Wheat Laddu is also called as Gothumai mavvu laddu, atta ka (ke) Laddu, churma laddu, Pita undo, ganva guli, chirmund. Sorry if I might have missed any language-specific name.
My son started going to school few weeks ago and my blogging journey started taking lot of pauses these days. Some days I leisurely enjoy my free time doing random stuff, but most of the days winter is playing Hide and Seek with me. My little hero caught cold and the cycle continues among the three of us in our home.I am eagerly waiting for Spring, to see some sun and to say bye bye to rain.